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scare o meter
Level 1: All ages
Level 2: Small level of scares like scary loud noises, startles and dizzying effects
Level 3: Medium level of scares with loud noises, low lighting & special effects
Level 4: Medium level of scares with startles, low lighting and characters
Level 5: Dimly lit, startles, loud noises, characters and special effects
scare o meter
Age old fun for the whole family, if you have faced all of your fears and made it through the night, cheer's to you. Now enjoy a new Spooktacular tradition to end the night, but always remember who may still be lurking in the corn maze.

Our Spooktacular Nights attractions aren't the only thing that will thrill you! While you're here, visit our Amazement Park for even more fun! Click here to visit our Fall attractions page!

Get ready for craziest experience of your life! The Vertigo Vortex will disorient you as you walk across the bridge. Careful not to lose your balance, OR ELSE!

Take a trip through some of the scariest jack-o-lanterns you'll ever see. It’s dark and spooky in the woods and swamp at the edge of YesterLand Farm. Don't look too close though, rumor has it that some of the pumpkins come to life.

Head across the bridge over the swamp at dusk. Make your way into the old WWII bunker and hunker down behind a paintball gun. Get ready. Watch carefully for the zombies that will certainly emerge from the war artifacts left in the swamp many years ago. Ready? Aim. Fire! Aim again. The zombies keep coming!

Chuckles isn't your typical circus clown. He's the one who started it all, come face your fears. More frightening than fun, just the way Chuckles likes it. Are you up for the test?

It’s dark now. You only have the moonlight to direct you through the eerie path. Don't panic, you must keep going, you've got to find your way OUT. Which way to turn — right or left? What’s that sound!? Who was that? ... What was that? Keep going. Faster and faster to escape!

Amazement Park
Vertigo Vertex
Swamp Zombie
Chuckles Fun House
Creepy corn maze
Read before entering: Guests may experience loud sounds, pop out scares, strobe lights, low light, darkness, and uneven ground.
Please be respectful to our employees and fellow guests, YesterLand Farm reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone if needed.
Spooktacular Nights:

15410 Interstate 20
Canton, TX 75103
©2023 by Audience Media Group
© 2011-2023 by Yesterland Farm, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Member of The MAiZE
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